Next Gen NCLEX

Cases and practice questions

Exam prep transformed through Ai integration

3302+ NCLEX Next-Gen Questions

Stand Alone 2430 Questions

Clinical Cases With 872 Questions

Complete & thorough NEXT GEN NCLEX

100 Clinical Cases with 600 Questions
Each case includes a series of 6 questions following the new test question types:
- Select All That Apply
- Multiple Choice
- Drag and Drop
- Matrix/Grid
- Drop Down (Cloze)
- Highlight
- Bowtie
2,300+ Practice Questions
The complete Qbank contains more than 2,300 questions including alternative format item types and stand alone questions.
100 Clinical Cases with 600 Questions
Each case includes a series of 6 questions following the new test question types:
- Select All That Apply
- Multiple Choice
- Drag and Drop
- Matrix/Grid
- Drop Down (Cloze)
- Highlight
- Bowtie
2,300+ Practice Questions
The complete Qbank contains more than 2,300 questions including alternative format item types and stand alone questions.
100 Clinical Cases with 600 Questions
Each case includes a series of 6 questions following the new test question types:
- Select All That Apply
- Multiple Choice
- Drag and Drop
- Matrix/Grid
- Drop Down (Cloze)
- Highlight
- Bowtie

NCLEX ® Next Gen Features

The complete UMock Qbank includes evidence-based questions nearly identical to what you’ll see on the exam, and covers every concept you’ll need to know including diagnoses, findings, patient management, staff education, nursing interventions and appropriate actions to take, first step and highest priority actions in patient care, next appropriate steps in assessing patient conditions, patient care prioritization and identifying crucial observations, indicating a correct understanding of teaching for patient care, conditions that require immediate follow-up, patient documentation, and plan of care.

UMock Qbank offers exam-like evidence-based questions covering all essential concepts, including diagnoses, patient management, nursing interventions, and staff education. It emphasizes prioritization in patient care, proper assessment steps, and accurate documentation. The Qbank ensures a solid understanding of teaching for patient care and identifying critical conditions for prompt follow-up.

NCLEX® Next Gen Method by UMock

Advanced Clinical Medicine

UMock is a leading resource for advanced evidence-based clinical medicine providing an in-depth Qbank for the NCLEX® Next Gen.

Mock Testing

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UMock detects & tracks user behavior by adjusting the difficulty of questions based on the answer you select, as well as answer selections from all other examinees.

Integrated Clinical Content

UMock updates NCLEX® Next Gen questions, answers, and explanations weekly for over 26,000 topics.

Mock-type Q&A

UMock content is written & continuously updated with the most current medical literature.

Question Development Process

Our rigorous content writing & editorial process provides you with the most trusted resource to prepare for exam day. Each question is expertly evaluated and reviewed by registered nurses who have scored in the 99th percentile.

146 Clinical Cases with 872 NCLEX Next Gen Questions

Clinical Cases Have 6 Series of Questions 2900+ Questions

Case Based Question

Case Based Question

Case Based Question

2430+ NCLEX Next Gen stand alone questions 2900+ Questions

Stand Alone Question


Clinical graphics for NCLEX Next Gen

NCLEX Next Gen and Qbank includes 3,400+ highly detailed graphics, tables flow charts, diagrams, illustrations & videos.

Evidence-Based clinical medicine presented in a mock format improves your diagnosis and treatment management abilities.

Minimize your exam prep time and enhance your learning experience to recall the most critical information with UMock visual aids.

Everything you need to know for your NCLEX Next Gen Score

Sample explanation of endometriosis displayed on mobile devices
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NCLEX Next Gen Plans


Adult Health (642)

  • Advanced Clinical Nursing (17)
    • Burns
    • Cerebral ischemia
    • Cerebral perfusion pressure
    • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
    • Myocardial infarction
  • Allergy & Immunology (17)
    • Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus
    • AIDS
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Differential WBC
    • HIV
    • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    • Kidney transplant
    • Liver transplant
    • Liver transplantation
    • Oral candidiasis
    • Prioritization
    • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Basic Care & Comfort (17)
    • End-of-life Care
    • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
    • Insomnia
    • Liver biopsy
    • Neuralgia
    • Pain
    • Pain assessment
    • Pancreatic cancer
    • Pressure ulcer
    • Prioritizing
    • Rhinoplasty
  • Cardiology (92)
    • Abdominal aneurysm
    • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
    • Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
    • Acute Heart Failure
    • Aortic dissection
    • Atrial fibrillation
    • Atrial flutter
    • Brush field spots
    • Cardiac tamponade
    • Cardioversion
    • Chronic venous insufficiency
    • Complete heart block
    • Congestive Heart Failure
    • Deep vein thrombosis
    • Defibrillation
    • Digoxin toxicity
    • Dilated cardiomyopathy
    • ECG
    • Endocarditis
    • First-degree atrioventricular block
    • Fluid Volume Excess
    • Heart failure
    • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
    • Hypokalemia
    • Hypomagnesemia
    • Hypotension
    • Intraaortic Balloon Pump
    • Jugular venous distention
    • Junctional Escape Rhythm
    • Left atrial myxoma
    • Left-sided heart failure
    • Levofloxacin
    • Mitral regurgitation
    • Mitral valve stenosis
    • Myocardial infarction
    • Pericardial tamponade
    • Pericardiocentesis
    • Peripheral arterial disease
    • Pulmonary artery wedge pressure
    • Pulsus paradoxus
    • Rheumatic disease
    • Septic shock
    • Supraventricular tachycardia
    • Tachycardia
    • Thromboembolism
    • Torsades de pointe
    • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (5)
    • Antibiotics
    • Anticoagulants
    • Flucytosine
  • Pulmonology (64)
    • Accidental extubation
    • Acute lung failure
    • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
    • Aging
    • Arterial blood gas analysis
    • Aspiration
    • Asthma
    • B-natriuretic peptide
    • Cardiomyopathy
    • Chest tubes
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
    • COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    • Emphysema
    • Endotracheal suction
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (10)
    • Arteriogram
    • Arteriography
    • Burns
    • Cerebral Angiogram
    • ECG
    • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    • Paracentesis
    • Pneumonectomy
    • Stress Test
  • Dermatology (7)
    • Acne vulgaris
    • Impetigo
    • Isotretinoin (Accutane)
    • Niacin deficiency
    • Onychomycosis
    • Shingles
    • Vitamin B3
    • Addison's disease
    • Adrenal crisis
    • Adrenal insufficiency
    • Bilateral adrenalectomy
    • Cushing syndrome
    • Cushing’s syndrome
    • Cushing's syndrome
    • Diabetes Insipidus
    • Diabetic ketoacidosis
    • Hyperglycemia
    • Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Pheochromocytoma
    • Serum osmolality
    • Thyroidectomy
  • ENT (21)
    • Acoustic neuroma
    • Assessment
    • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
    • Cataract
    • Epley maneuver
    • Glaucoma
    • Hordeolum
    • Hyphema
    • Macular degeneration
    • Otosclerosis
    • Prioritization
    • Retinal detachment
  • Prioritizing (29)
    • Acute pancreatitis
    • Airway
    • Alcohol withdrawal
    • Anxiolytics
    • Atrial fibrillation
    • Cardiac catheterization
    • Client Conditions
    • Colon resection
    • Death Anxiety
    • End-of-life Care
    • Hematuria
    • Impaired Adjustment
    • Ineffective Health Management
    • Intracranial pressure
    • Nursing Diagnoses
    • Pap test
    • Pleural effusion
    • Postoperative Care
    • Prioritization
    • Risk for Acute Confusion
    • Risk for Compromised Human Dignity
    • Septic shock
    • Social isolation
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Stress test
    • Subdural hematoma
    • Tracheal deviation
    • Urinary tract infection
  • Psychiatry (2)
    • Antidepressant
    • Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Pulmonology (64)
    • Fat embolism
    • Gastrojejunostomy
    • Hemorrhage
    • Hypoxemia
    • Influenza
    • Lobectomy
    • Mechanical ventilation
    • Oxygen delivery system
    • Percutaneous coronary intervention
    • Pneumothorax
    • Post-operative Care
    • Prioritization
    • Pulmonary edema
    • Pulmonary embolism
    • Pulmonary hypertension
    • Respiratory acidosis with hypoxemia
    • Respiratory failure
    • Spontaneous pneumothorax
    • Tension pneumothorax
    • Thoracotomy
    • Tracheostomy
    • Ventilator dependence
    • Ventilator-associated events
    • Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (63)
    • Acute pancreatitis
    • Alcohol abuse
    • Appendicitis
    • Cirrhosis
    • Diarrhea
    • Diverticulitis
    • Dumping Syndrome
    • Esophagectomy
    • Evisceration
    • Gastric bypass
    • Gastrointestinal bleeding
    • Gastrojejunostomy
    • Hemorrhage
    • Hepatic encephalopathy
    • Hepatitis
    • Hernia
    • Herniorrhaphy
    • Ileostomy
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Jaundice
    • Liver disease
    • Myasthenia gravis
    • Nasogastric tube
    • Oral fluids
    • PEG tube
    • Peptic Ulcer Disease
    • Peritonitis
    • Prioritization
    • Roux-en-Y
    • Total parenteral nutrition
    • Transurethral resection of the prostate
    • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Growth & Development (3)
    • Aging
    • Emphysema
  • Hematologic Disorders (25)
    • Acute pain
    • Transfusion reaction
    • Anisocytosis
    • Aplastic anemia
    • Autoimmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
    • Chromosome analysis
    • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
    • Direct Coombs Test
    • Fanconi's anemia
    • Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
    • Hematocrit
    • Hemoglobin electrophoresis
    • Hereditary hemochromatosis
    • Immunohemolytic anemia
    • Indirect Coombs Test
    • Induction Phase of Chemotherapy
    • Macrocytic, normochromic anemia
    • Pernicious anemia
    • Philadelphia chromosome
    • Polycythemia Vera
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Splenectomy
    • Thalassemia Minor
  • Infectious Disease (22)
    • Bioterrorism
    • Chagas's disease
    • Ebola Virus
    • Hemorrhage
    • Impaired circulation
    • Isolation precautions
    • Melarsopol
    • Meningitis
    • Pentamidine
    • Poisoning
    • Post-operative complication
    • Scabies
    • Sepsis
    • Septic Shock
  • Renal/Fluid & Electrolytes (44)
    • Acid-base imbalance
    • Arterial blood gas
    • Chronic Glomerulonephritis
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Chronic renal failure
    • Cystitis
    • Dialysis
    • End-stage renal disease
    • Erythrocytosis
    • Fluid resuscitation
    • Hemodialysis
    • Kidney Transplant
    • Lithotripsy
    • Nephrotic syndrome
    • Perioperative care
    • Peritoneal dialysis
    • Prostate cancer
    • Pyelonephritis
    • Renal failure
    • Urinary tract infection
    • Urine characteristics
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (37)
    • Arthritis
    • Back pain
    • Carpal tunnel
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Cast Care
    • Dermatomyositis
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Gout
    • Gouty arthritis
    • Herniated Nucleus pulposus
    • Hip replacement
    • Lumbar strain
    • Osteoporosis
    • Parkinson Disease
    • Physical Assessment
    • Prioritizing
    • Progressive muscular dystrophy
    • Pseudogout
    • Reactive Arthritis
    • Rotator cuff injury
    • Scoliosis
    • Spinal cord compression
  • Neurology (72)
    • Absence seizure
    • Alzheimer's disease
    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    • Anterior Cerebral Stroke
    • Bacterial meningitis
    • Carbon monoxide poisoning
    • Cerebrovascular accident
    • Charcot-Bouchard Aneurysm
    • Cryptococcal meningitis
    • Dissecting Aneurysm
    • Encephalitis
    • Glasgow coma scale
    • Head injury
    • Head trauma
    • Increased intracranial pressure
    • Meningitis
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Mycotic aneurysm
    • Neurological assessment
    • Nursing Diagnosis
    • Pontine hemorrhage
    • Prioritization
    • Rapid response teams
    • Readiness for Enhanced Communication
    • Spinal Cord injury
    • Spinal Shock
    • Stages of Migraine
    • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
    • Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Classification
    • Supratentorial tumor
    • Thalamic hemorrhage
    • Thrombotic stroke
    • Timolol
    • Topiramate
    • Toxoplasmosis
    • Transient ischemic attack: Carotid system
    • Verapamil
    • Vertebral stroke
    • Vertebrobasilar system TIA
  • Nursing Management (1)
    • Asthma
  • Oncology (27)
    • Basal cell carcinoma
    • Cancer
    • Cervical Cancer
    • Chemotherapy
    • Colorectal Cancer
    • Multiple myeloma
    • Nadir
    • Pancreatic cancer
    • Prostate cancer
    • Radiation
    • Renal cell carcinoma
    • Sarcoma
  • Reproductive Disorders (23)
    • Abortion
    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
    • Contraception
    • Dyspareunia
    • Gonorrhea
    • Infertility
    • Ovulation
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • Prioritization
    • Prostate cancer
    • Sexually transmitted illness
    • Toxic shock syndrome
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Uterine malformation
    • Vulvectomy
  • Urology (8)
    • Acute bacterial prostatitis
    • Incontinence
    • Prostate Cancer
    • Transurethral resection of the prostate
    • Uncomplicated cystitis
    • Urinary tract infection

Critical Care Nursing Content Review (354)

  • Advanced Clinical Nursing (86)
    • Acute epiglottitis
    • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Aortic regurgitation
    • Autonomic Dysreflexia
    • Burns
    • Cardiac tamponade
    • Cardiogenic shock
    • Central venous catheter
    • Cerebral perfusion pressure
    • Communication
    • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    • Dysrhythmias
    • ECG (Electrocardiogram)
    • Endotracheal intubation
    • Flail chest
    • Frostbite
    • Glasgow coma scale
    • Heat stroke
    • Hemorrhage
    • Hypotension
    • Hypovolemic shock
    • Intracranial pressure monitoring
    • Mechanical Ventilation
    • Myocardial infarction
    • Pericardial tamponade
    • Pericardiocentesis
    • Poisoning
    • Premature Ventricular Contractions
    • Pulmonary artery wedge pressure
    • Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
    • Respiratory failure
    • Sepsis Campaign Bundle
    • Trauma
    • Triage
    • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Allergy & Immunology (7)
    • Anaphylactic Shock
    • Anaphylaxis
  • Cardiology (56)
    • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
    • Acute Coronary Syndrome, ST elevation myocardial infarction
    • Aortic Dissection
    • Atrial Fibrillation
    • Cardiac Tamponade
    • Cardiogenic Shock
    • Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI (Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction)
    • Giardiasis
    • Hypertensive Emergency
    • Hypotension & Cardiogenic Shock
    • Myocardial infarction
    • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (3)
    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    • Intracranial pressure monitoring
    • Pericardiocentesis
  • Dermatology (7)
    • Burns
    • Third Degree Burn
  • Endocrinology (25)
    • Adrenal Crisis
    • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    • Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Environmental Exposure & Poison (18)
    • Acute opioid toxicity
    • Hyperthermia/Heat stroke
    • Hypothermia
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (12)
    • Hepatic Encephalopathy
    • Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
  • Infectious Disease (9)
    • Central Venous Catheter
    • Septic Shock
    • Shock
  • Neurology (56)
    • Encephalitis
    • Increased intracranial pressure
    • Ischemic Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident)
    • Meningitis
    • Neurogenic Shock
    • Status Epilepticus
    • Stroke
    • Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
    • Subdural Hematoma
    • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (7)
    • Toxic Shock Syndrome
  • Oncology (6)
    • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Orthopedics/Rheumatology (6)
    • Femur Fracture
  • Prioritizing (4)
    • Burns
    • Chest pain
    • trauma
  • Psychiatry (6)
    • Opioid Overdose
  • Pulmonology (39)
    • Blunt Force Chest Trauma
    • Chest Trauma
    • Endotracheal Extubation
    • Hemothorax
    • Obstructive Shock
    • Pneumothorax
    • Pneumothorax (Stab Wound)
    • Pulmonary Embolism
    • Respiratory failure
  • Renal/Fluid & Electrolytes (1)
    • Dialysis Disequilibrium syndrome
  • Urology (6)
    • Fournier`s Gangrene

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Fundamental Concepts Content Review (312)

  • Allergy & Immunology (14)
    • Administering Vaccines
    • Allergies
    • Differential WBC (White Blood Cell) Count
    • Parenteral Nutrition
    • Skin Testing
    • Transfusion Reaction
    • Vaccines
  • Basic Care & Comfort (39)
    • Analgesia
    • Antiembolic stockings
    • Central line
    • Client position
    • Client Positioning
    • Cultural Diversity
    • End-of-life care
    • Epidural analgesia
    • Hemorrhoidectomy
    • Immobility
    • Pain
    • Pain assessment
    • Pain relief
    • Palliative Care
    • Perioperative Care
    • Post-operative Care
    • Splinting
  • Cardiology (21)
    • Ankle-brachial index
    • Blood pressure monitor
    • Cardiac assessment
    • Client Transfer
    • Coronary artery disease
    • Fluid loss
    • Mean arterial pressure
    • Preoperative risks
    • Pulse pressure
    • Vascular Disorder Prioritization
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (120)
    • Abdominal assessment
    • Air embolism
    • Aldrete Score
    • Allen test
    • Ankle-brachial index
    • Anterior thorax
    • Appendicitis
    • Assessment
    • Assessment of the Neck Vessels
    • Autologous blood transfusion
    • Automated external defibrillator
    • Bladder Scan
    • Blood transfusion
    • Bone marrow aspiration
    • Bronchoscopy
    • Cardiac assessment
    • Caring for a newly established suprapubic catheter
    • Central venous catheter
    • Chest tubes
    • Client positioning
    • Complete bed bath
    • Condom catheter
    • Conventional Cerebral Angiogram
    • CPR
    • Cranial Nerve XII
    • Dressing changes
    • EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
    • EKG reading
    • Elastic Bandage
    • Electroencephalogram
    • Emptying a drain
    • Endotracheal intubation
    • Endotracheal tube
    • Enteral feeding
    • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
    • Excretory urography
    • Eye assessment
    • Eye irrigation
    • Fasciotomy
    • Feeding Tube Removal
    • Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
    • Fleet enema administration
    • Fluid Wave Test
    • Get Up and Go Test
    • Graphesthesia
    • Health History
    • Hemodialysis
    • Hypophysectomy
    • Indwelling urinary catheter removal
    • Insulin
    • Intravenous catheters
    • Intravenous Moderate Sedation
    • Intravesical chemotherapy
    • Jendrassik Maneuver
    • Leukocyte Functions
    • Liver biopsy
    • Mechanical ventilation
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Moderate peripheral arterial disease
    • Mouth Care: Unconscious client
    • Myelography
    • Oxygen delivery systems
    • Paracentesis
    • Parenteral nutrition
    • Percussion
    • Peripheral catheter insertion
    • Peripheral pulses
    • Peripherally inserted central line
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Physical assessment
    • Posterior thorax
    • Postural drainage
    • Pouching an ileostomy
    • Pre-operative Care
    • Proctoscopy
    • Reflexes
    • Safe Transfer
    • Smoking pack years
    • Specimen collection
    • Splenectomy
    • Standard Isolation
    • Stereognosis
    • Sterile gloving
    • Subcutaneous injection
    • Suctioning: Mechanical Ventilation
    • Thoracentesis
    • Total parenteral nutrition
    • Tracheostomy
    • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
    • Transfers
    • Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy
    • Vascular access device
    • Visual Activity
    • Visual Assessment
    • Wound care
  • Dermatology (3)
    • Nail pitting
    • Pressure ulcer
  • Endocrinology (7)
    • Fight-or-flight response
    • Insulin
    • Moderate sedation
    • Preoperative Care
    • Stress response
  • ENT (6)
    • Arcus senilis
    • Hemianopsia
    • Physical Assessment
    • Urinary Changes During Pregnancy
    • Visual Assessment
    • Xanthelasma
  • Ethical/Legal Nursing (1)
    • Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (5)
    • Cirrhosis
    • Nasogastric tube
    • Parenteral nutrition
    • Postoperative Priority Assessment
    • Proctoscopy
  • Growth & Development (3)
    • Aging
  • Hematologic Disorders (3)
    • Blood transfusion
  • Infectious Disease (16)
    • Age-related changes
    • Allergies
    • Aspiration
    • Cranial nerves
    • Fall Risk Assessment
    • Infection Control
    • Medication Reconciliation
    • Meningitis
    • Parenteral Nutrition
    • Pediculosis
    • Perioperative Care
    • Zika virus
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (1)
    • Disuse syndrome
  • Neonatal Care (1)
    • Newborn assessment
  • Neurology (14)
    • Brainstem functions
    • Complete Bed Bath
    • Glasgow Coma Scale
    • Graphesthesia
    • Head injury
    • Hemianopsia
    • Meningitis
    • Midbrain Shearing Injury
    • Prioritization
    • Reflexes
    • Triage
  • Nursing Management (6)
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Documentation
    • Perioperative Care
    • Safety
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (1)
    • JP Drain
  • Oncology (1)
    • Intravenous catheters
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (8)
    • Administering Vaginal Medications
    • Epidural analgesia
    • Error
    • Oral Medication Administration
    • Physical Assessment
    • Pneumococcal vaccine
    • Sedatives
    • Subcutaneous injection
    • Topical medications
    • TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition)
  • Prioritizing (6)
    • Decontamination
    • Fear
    • Post-operative Care
    • Ureterolithiasis
    • Vital signs
  • Psychiatry (1)
    • Preoperative Anxiety
  • Pulmonology (13)
    • Anterior Thorax
    • Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
    • Physical Assessment
    • Posterior Thorax
    • Post-operative Complications
    • Pursed-lip Breathing
    • Smoking Pack Years
    • Thoracentesis
    • Tracheostomy
  • Renal/Fluid & Electrolytes (17)
    • Acid-base Balance
    • Acute Renal Failure
    • Hyperphosphatemia
    • Hypertonic Solution
    • Hypophosphatemia
    • Hypovolemia
    • Intravenous Therapy
    • Perioperative Care
    • Physical Assessment
    • Post-operative Care
    • Serum Potassium
    • Urinary Retention
  • Reproductive Disorders (5)
    • Pap test

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Maternity & Newborn Care Content Review (239)

  • Advanced Clinical Nursing (3)
    • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation
    • Ruptured Tubal Pregnancy
  • Basic Care & Comfort (1)
    • Epidural analgesia
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (1)
    • Nitrazine test
  • Endocrinology (2)
    • Imminent delivery
    • Infant abduction
  • Growth & Development (3)
    • Laboratory Findings
    • Newborn reflexes
  • Infectious Disease (2)
    • Fifth disease
    • Tuberculosis
  • Neonatal Care (35)
    • Acrocyanosis
    • APGAR score
    • Apnea
    • Biliary atresia
    • Breast feeding
    • Caput succedaneum
    • Cesarean section
    • Cord care
    • Cutis memorata
    • Cyanosis
    • High risk newborn
    • Integumentary assessment
    • Nevus simplex
    • Newborn assessment
    • Newborn Care
    • Preterm
    • Primitive reflexes
    • Prioritization
    • Respiratory distress syndrome
    • Sepsis
    • Trisomy 21
    • Variable decelerations
    • Weight loss
  • Neurology (5)
    • Brachial nerve palsy
    • Erb palsy
    • Facial nerve palsy
    • Klumpke's palsy
    • Primitive reflexes
  • Nursing Management (1)
    • Postpartum assessment
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (2)
    • Pregnancy Category Risk C
    • Pregnancy Category Risk D
  • Prioritizing (4)
    • Eclampsia
    • Labor
    • Medication Safety
    • Obstetric Triage
    • Tachypnea
  • Psychiatry (1)
    • Adoption
  • Reproductive Disorders (1)
    • Placenta Previa
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (179)
    • Abruptio placenta
    • Amniotic fluid embolism
    • Biophysical Profile
    • Birthing positions
    • Breast engorgement
    • Breech vaginal delivery
    • Caput succedaneum
    • Cardiac disease
    • Cerclage
    • Cesarean delivery
    • Chorionic villi sampling
    • Contraction stress test
    • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    • Doppler blood flow analysis
    • Dysfunctional labor
    • Dystocia
    • Early decelerations
    • Ecchymoses
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Epidural analgesia
    • Estrogen in Pregnancy
    • Expected date of delivery
    • External cephalic version
    • Fetal Distress
    • Fetal fibronectin test
    • Fetal heart rate
    • Fetal hypoxemia
    • Fetal Lung Maturity testing
    • Fetal position
    • Fetal presentation
    • Fetoscopy
    • Gestational Diabetes
    • Induction
    • Induction of labor
    • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
    • Labor augmentation
    • Laboratory Findings during Pregnancy
    • Leopold maneuver
    • MacDonald's measurement
    • Mastitis
    • Maternal hypotension
    • Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid
    • Methylergonovine
    • Missed abortion
    • Modified Ritgen's Maneuver
    • Multiple gestation
    • Nonstress test
    • Normal cardiovascular responses with pregnancy
    • Nutrition
    • Obstetric Triage
    • Perineal changes
    • Placenta Previa
    • Placental abruption
    • Placental hormones
    • Polyhydramnios
    • Postpartum assessment
    • Postpartum Depression
    • Postpartum hemorrhage
    • Preeclampsia
    • Premature rupture of membranes
    • Preterm Birth
    • Prioritization
    • Progesterone
    • Pruritic gravidarum
    • Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
    • Puerperal hematoma
    • Relaxin
    • Shoulder dystocia
    • Sickle cell disease and pregnancy
    • Signs of Pregnancy
    • Sonogram
    • Spontaneous Rupture of membranes
    • Stages of Labor
    • Thrombophlebitis
    • Umbilical cord prolapse
    • Urinary Changes During Pregnancy
    • Uterine involution
    • Uterine massage
    • Uterine rupture

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Medical Surgical Nursing Content Review (506)

  • Allergy & Immunology (18)
    • Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
    • Graft Rejection
    • Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia Purpura
    • Acute Rheumatic Fever
  • Cardiology (35)
    • Aortic Dissection
    • Aortic Regurgitation
    • Automated External Defibrillator
    • Bicuspid Aortic Valve Regurgitation
    • Bundle Branch Block
    • Coronary Artery Dissection
    • Deep Vein Thrombosis
    • Heart Failure
    • Mitral Regurgitation
    • Mitral Stenosis
    • Pericardial Effusion
    • Peripheral Artery Disease
    • Sinus Bradycardia
    • Tachycardia
    • Thrombophlebitis
    • Vasospastic Angina
    • Venous Insufficiency
  • Dermatology (43)
    • Basal Cell Carcinoma
    • Cellulitis
    • Contact Dermatitis
    • Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms
    • Dysplastic Nevi
    • Erythema Multiforme
    • Herpes Simplex
    • Herpes Zoster
    • Laceration
    • Lyme Disease
    • Melanoma
    • Psoriasis
    • Pyogenic Granulomas
    • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    • Scabies
    • Seborrheic Keratosis
    • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • Endocrinology (35)
    • Adrenal Insufficiency
    • Atelectasis
    • Diabetes Insipidus
    • Hyperprolactinemia
    • Hypopituitarism
    • Pheochromocytoma
    • Pituitary Adenoma
    • Primary Hyperaldosteronism
  • ENT (16)
    • Acute Laryngitis
    • Acute Otitis Media
    • Barotrauma
    • Esophageal Perforation
    • Sensorineural Hearing Loss
    • Vertigo
  • Environmental Exposure & Poison (25)
    • Acetaminophen Poisoning
    • Occupational Exposure
    • Salicylate Toxicity
    • Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (71)
    • Acute Pancreatitis
    • Anal Fissure
    • Bowel Perforation
    • Cholecystitis
    • Cholestasis
    • Crohn's Disease
    • Direct Hernia
    • Diverticulitis
    • Esophagitis
    • Gastritis
    • Gastroenteritis
    • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Hepatitis B
    • Hepatitis C
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
    • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
    • Pancreatitis
    • Peptic Ulcer Disease
    • Planning Client Care
    • Small Bowel Obstruction
    • Vitamin B12 Deficiency
    • Volvulus
  • Hematologic Disorders (2)
    • Hemolytic Anemia
    • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Infectious Disease (13)
    • Client Prioritization
    • Group A streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis
    • Osteomyelitis
  • Neurology (45)
    • Altered Mental Status
    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • Bell's Palsy
    • Cluster Headache
    • Dementia
    • Giant Cell Arteritis
    • Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    • Hemorrhagic Stroke
    • Intracerebral Hemorrhage
    • Lumbar Disc Herniation
    • Meningeal Irritation
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Organ Donation
    • Post-Operative Prioritization
    • Seizure
    • Spinal Cord Injury
    • Stages of Migraine
    • Tension Headache
    • Transient Ischemic Attack
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (27)
    • Amenorrhea
    • Ovarian Cyst
    • Ovarian Torsion
    • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    • Polycystic Ovarian Disease
    • Uterine Rupture
    • Vaginitis
  • Oncology (24)
    • Carcinoid Tumor
    • Hepatic Cancer
    • Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    • Kaposi Sarcoma
    • Medical-Surgical Prioritization
    • Multiple Myeloma
    • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
    • Phases in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
    • Prostate Cancer
  • Ophthalmology (32)
    • Age-related Macular Degeneration (Wet AMD)
    • Cataract
    • Corneal Abrasion
    • Glaucoma, Acute Angle Closure
    • Orbital Floor Fracture
    • Retinal Detachment
    • Retinal Vein Occlusion
  • Orthopedics/Rheumatology (29)
    • Costochondritis
    • Gout
    • Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
    • Monoarticular Arthritis
    • Osteoporosis
    • Pelvic Fracture
    • Pericarditis
    • Polyarticular Arthritis
    • Shoulder Dislocation
  • Psychiatry (22)
    • Alcohol Intoxication
    • Alcohol Withdrawal
    • Anorexia
    • Cocaine Intoxication
    • Depression
    • Migraine
    • Panic Disorder
  • Psychiatry/Behavioral Medicine (5)
    • Bulimia Nervosa
    • Methamphetamine Intoxication
    • Serotonin Syndrome
    • Suicidal Ideation

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Nursing Management & Leadership Content Review (219)

  • Basic Care & Comfort (1)
    • Professional Roles of Nurses
  • Endocrinology (3)
    • Assignment
    • Hemorrhage
  • Ethical/Legal Nursing (28)
    • Advocate
    • Confidentiality
    • Consent
    • DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
    • Documentation
    • Ethical Principles
    • Incident report
    • Informed Consent
    • Lateral Violence
    • Medication Reconciliation
    • Negligence
    • Organ donation
    • Professional Conduct
    • Refusal of treatment
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (1)
    • Myasthenia gravis
  • Infectious Disease (11)
    • Administering medication
    • Airborne precautions
    • Assignment
    • Droplet precautions
    • Isolation
    • Pneumonia
    • Safety
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (2)
    • Below-the-knee amputation
    • Delegation
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (1)
    • Medication Orders
  • Nursing Management (127)
    • Accountability
    • Administering medication
    • Admissions
    • Admissions and Discharges
    • Assessment
    • Autocratic leadership
    • Basic care activity
    • Blood pressure monitoring
    • Budget
    • Catheter placement
    • Client advocacy
    • Client assignment
    • Client Transfer
    • Cluster headache
    • Confidentiality
    • Critical conditions
    • Delegation
    • Documentation
    • Eye Disorders
    • Eye pad/plastic shield
    • Float nurse
    • Functional Nursing
    • Hand-off report
    • Health care activities
    • hypokalemia
    • Intake and output
    • Laissez faire
    • Licensed practical nurse
    • Licensed practical nurse (LPN)
    • Liver biopsy
    • Newly graduate RN
    • Nurse certification
    • Operating budget
    • Oral medication administration
    • Orientation
    • Paracentesis
    • Physical assessment
    • Post-mortem care
    • Post-operative Care
    • preeclampsia
    • Prioritization
    • Room Assignment
    • Shift assignment
    • Social Worker
    • Specimen collection
    • Staffing
    • Staffing issues
    • Supervision
    • Team Nursing
    • Transport Team
    • Triage
    • Unlicensed assistive personnel
    • Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)
  • Prioritizing (42)
    • Acute epiglottitis
    • Airway
    • Allergy
    • Arthritis
    • Assessment
    • Cancer pain
    • Cardiac disorders
    • Chemotherapy
    • Client Care
    • Discharge instructions
    • Dysrhythmias
    • Ear disorders
    • Endocrine Disorders
    • Fractures
    • Gastric disorders
    • Grave's disease
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Hysterectomy
    • Interventions
    • Kidney disease
    • Neutropenia
    • New-onset confusion
    • Oxygenation
    • Postpartum care
    • Prioritization
    • Retinal detachment
    • Safe Delivery of Care
    • Safe Nursing Care
    • Safety
    • Scrotal pain
    • Spontaneous pneumothorax
    • Triage
    • Ventilator weaning
  • Psychiatry (3)
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    • Substance Abuse

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Nursing Pharmacology Content Review (427)

  • Advanced Clinical Nursing (2)
    • Dibucaine
    • Hydrofluoric acid burn
  • Allergy & Immunology (19)
    • Allergies
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Anticoagulant
    • Cyclosporine
    • HIV
    • Osteosarcoma
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Sulfasalazine
  • Basic Care & Comfort (15)
    • Allergies
    • Epidural analgesia
    • Opioids
  • Cardiology (28)
    • Adrenergic antagonists
    • Angina
    • Anticoagulant
    • Atropine sulfate
    • Deep vein thrombosis
    • Diuretic
    • Epidural Infusion
    • Heart failure
    • Hypercholesterolemia
    • Hypertension
    • Medication administration
    • Medication dosage
    • Metoprolol
    • Myocardial infarction
    • Nitrates
    • Nitroglycerin
    • Raynaud's Disease
    • Septic shock
    • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (4)
    • Antidote
    • Blood pressure monitor
    • Medication administration
    • Thrombolytic
  • Dermatology (4)
    • Burns
    • Dressing Changes
    • Hydrofluoric acid burn
    • Psoriasis
  • Endocrinology (8)
    • Analgesics
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Hydrochlorothiazide
    • Increased Aldosterone Levels
    • Insulin
    • Metformin
  • ENT (6)
    • Meniere's disease
    • Miosis
    • Mydriasis
    • Oxycodone
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (18)
    • Acute diarrhea
    • Clostridium difficile
    • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
    • Feeding Tube Removal
    • Fleet Enema Administration
    • Laxative
    • Morphine
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • NGT insertion
    • Oral Medication Administration
    • Peptic ulcer disease
    • Peripheral Catheter Insertion
    • Pouching an Ileostomy
    • Thiamine/ Vitamin B1
    • Ulcerative colitis
  • Hematologic Disorders (1)
    • Iron Dextran
  • Infectious Disease (16)
    • Antibiotic
    • Cholinergic
    • Gastric disorders
    • Influenza Medications
    • Medication Safety
    • Medication side effects
    • Methotrexate
    • Muscarinic antagonists
    • Oseltamivir
    • Peramivir
    • Perioperative Care
    • Scabies
    • Tuberculosis
    • Zanamivir
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (4)
    • Arthritis
    • Osteoporosis
  • Neurology (36)
    • Brain tumor
    • Cerebral edema
    • Drug Indication
    • Headaches
    • Health Education
    • Levodopa
    • Medication administration
    • Mouth Care: Unconscious Client
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Myasthenia gravis
    • Osmotic diuretic
    • Parkinson disease
    • Seizures
    • Sumatriptan
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (6)
    • Dinoprostone
    • Medication Side Effects
    • Naloxone
    • Nitrazine Test
    • Vaginal Medication Administration
  • Oncology (7)
    • Bone Marrow Aspiration
    • Glioblastoma
    • Hypercalcemia
    • Intravesical Chemotherapy
    • Oxaliplatin
    • Vascular Access Device
  • Ophthalmology (1)
    • Eye Irrigation
  • Orthopedics/Rheumatology (1)
    • Intravenous Moderate Sedation
  • Psychiatry (27)
    • ADHD
    • Adverse Effects
    • Antidepressants
    • Antipsychotics
    • Anxiety
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Delirium Tremens
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
    • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Substance abuse
  • Pulmonology (7)
    • Anticholinergics
    • Bronchoscopy
    • Drug interaction
    • Gentamicin
    • Medication Administration
    • Morphine
    • Suctioning: Mechanical Ventilation
    • Thoracentesis
  • Renal/Fluid & Electrolytes (9)
    • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Hypokalemia
    • Incontinence
    • Indwelling Urinary Catheter Removal
    • Suprapubic Catheter
  • Reproductive Disorders (14)
    • Bacterial vaginosis
    • Breast cancer
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Menotropins
    • Metformin-Induced Acidosis
    • Oligospermia
    • Progesterone
  • Urology (2)
    • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (192)
    • Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
    • Adrenergic agonists
    • Anticoagulant
    • Anticoagulant therapy
    • Anticonvulsants
    • Antidote
    • Antimalarial/Antibacterial Drugs
    • Antipsychotic medications
    • Anxiolytics
    • Aphthous ulcer
    • Appetite Suppressants
    • Asenapine
    • Atropine
    • Benzodiazepines
    • Bone Marrow Suppression
    • Botulinum Toxin
    • Bronchodilator
    • Burns
    • Buspirone
    • CCR5 Antagonist
    • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
    • Chlorambucil
    • Chronic Kidney Disease
    • Cisplatin
    • Clostridium difficile
    • Dabigatran
    • Darunavir
    • Delavirdine
    • Diazepam
    • Diltiazem
    • Diuretics
    • Dolutegravir
    • Dopamine
    • Droperidole
    • Drug toxicity
    • Efavirenz
    • Enfuvirtide
    • Epidural analgesia
    • Equianalgesic dosing
    • Ergotamine Preparation
    • Etravirine
    • Extrapyramidal effects
    • Extravasation
    • Ganciclovir
    • GERD
    • Gingival hyperplasia
    • Ginseng
    • Glucagon
    • Gout
    • Gram-Negative Aerobes
    • Headaches
    • Heparin toxicity
    • HIV Fusion Inhibitor
    • Hypercalcemia
    • Hypercholesterolemia
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Idiosyncratic Effect
    • Iloperidone
    • Indinavir
    • Indirect thrombin inhibitors
    • Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome-Constipation
    • Inhaler
    • Inhaler
    • Insulin
    • Integrase Inhibitors
    • Iron
    • Iron Dextran
    • Isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil)
    • Itraconazole
    • Laxatives
    • Lipase Inhibitor
    • Liraglutide
    • Lithium toxicity
    • Loperamide
    • Lopinavir/Ritonavir
    • Malignant hyperthermia
    • Mebendazole
    • Medication Administration
    • Medication Safety
    • Medication Side-Effects
    • Mefloquine
    • Mesna
    • Metformin
    • Methyldopa
    • Migraine Prevention
    • Morphine
    • Motion sickness
    • Muscarinic antagonists
    • Nitrates
    • Nitrogen Mustards
    • Nitroglycerin
    • Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
    • Nortriptyline
    • Opioids
    • Opioids for Diarrhea
    • Oral Contraceptives
    • Organophosphate poisoning
    • Orlistat and Hypothyroidism
    • Oxycodone
    • Paliperidone (Invega Sustenna)
    • Paradoxical Effect
    • Perioperative Care
    • Physical Assessment
    • Pilocarpine
    • Potassium
    • Pralidoxime
    • Prefilled insulin syringes
    • Preoperative
    • Preoperative Medications
    • Prescription
    • Primaquine
    • Prioritization
    • Protease Inhibitors
    • Pulmonary edema
    • Quinidine Gluconate
    • Quinine
    • Rectal suppositories
    • Rilpivirine
    • Serotonin Syndrome
    • Severe acute anaphylactic response
    • Stavudine
    • Sumatriptan
    • Systemic Fungal Infection
    • Tenofovir
    • Testosterone
    • Toxicity
    • Triamcinolone
    • Unstable angina pectoris
    • Vancomycin
    • Vitamin A and Pregnancy
    • Vitamin B6 deficiency
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin E toxicity
    • Vitamin Overdose
    • Weight loss medications
    • Zidovudine

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Pediatric Nursing Content Review (442)

  • Allergy & Immunology (12)
    • Asthma
    • Immunizations
    • Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
  • Basic Care & Comfort (2)
    • Tonsillectomy
  • Cardiology (23)
    • Coarctation of the aorta
    • Kawasaki Disease
    • Myocarditis
    • Patent ductus arteriosus
    • Pulmonary artery wedge pressure
    • Pulmonary valve stenosis
    • Pulmonic valve stenosis
    • Rheumatic fever
    • Rheumatic Heart Disease
    • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Clinical Therapies & Skills (7)
    • Abusive head trauma
    • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
    • Fingerstick
    • Mantoux test
    • Peritoneal dialysis
    • Vaccines
  • Dermatology (46)
    • Burns
    • Candidiasis
    • Coxsackievirus
    • Dermatitis
    • Impetigo
    • Pediculosis Capitis
    • Scarlet Fever
    • Spider Bite
    • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
    • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
    • Tinea capitis
    • Urticaria
    • Varicella
  • Endocrinology (9)
    • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
    • Phenylketonuria
    • Puberty
    • Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
  • ENT (11)
    • Acute Pharyngitis
    • Bitemporal Hemianopsia
    • Candidiasis
    • Dental Trauma
    • Epistaxis
    • Orbital Cellulitis
    • Otitis Externa
    • Periorbital Cellulitis
    • Retinoblastoma
  • Environmental Exposure & Poison (13)
    • Drowning
    • Head Lice
    • Lead Poisoning
  • Ethical/Legal Nursing (1)
    • Abuse
  • Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (99)
    • Anal Fissure
    • Appendicitis
    • Biliary atresia
    • Body Mass Index
    • Classic hemophilia
    • Cleft palate
    • Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon
    • Constipation
    • Cystic fibrosis
    • Dehydration
    • Duodenal Atresia
    • Foreign Body Ingestion
    • Gastroenteritis
    • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    • Giardiasis
    • Hernia
    • Indirect Hernia
    • Intussusception
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Low fat/low cholesterol diet
    • Malrotation
    • Meckel Diverticulum
    • Nitazoxanide
    • Pediatric gastroenteritis
    • Pyloric Stenosis
    • Readiness for Enhanced Parenting
    • Rectal Suppositories
    • Short bowel syndrome
  • Growth & Development (35)
    • Adolescence
    • Associative play
    • Cognitive Development
    • Developmental milestone
    • Developmental Milestones
    • Developmental stuttering
    • Developmental toys
    • Fine motor development
    • Growth Patterns
    • Language Development
    • Play
    • Preoperative Care
    • Preschool Age
    • Primitive Reflexes
    • Reaction to Death and Dying
    • Stages of Moral Development
    • Stranger anxiety
    • Temper Tantrums
    • Toddlerhood
  • Hematologic Disorders (10)
    • Iron deficiency Anemia
    • Neonatal Jaundice
    • Sickle Cell Anemia
    • Sickle-cell disease
  • Infectious Disease (28)
    • Accidental ingestion
    • Airborne precaution
    • Droplet Precautions
    • Inactivated Polio Virus Vaccine (IPV)
    • Leukemia
    • Mastoiditis
    • Pertussis
    • Rubeola (Measles)
    • Scabies
    • Septic arthritis
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (16)
    • Back pain
    • Buck extension traction
    • Clubfoot
    • Developmental dislocation of the hip
    • Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Pavlik harness
    • Polydactyly
    • Spica cast
    • Structural scoliosis
    • Traction
  • Neonatal Care (6)
    • Circumcision
    • Newborn assessment
    • Primitive Reflexes
    • Skin assessment
    • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Neurology (46)
    • Abuse
    • Autism
    • Bacterial meningitis
    • Brain tumor
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Chorea
    • Concussion
    • Conduct disorder
    • Delayed puberty
    • Down syndrome
    • Epidural Hematoma
    • Fragile X
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Increased intracranial pressure
    • Meningeal irritation
    • Meningitis
    • Myelomeningocele
    • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
    • Neuroblastoma
    • Oppositional defiant disorder
    • Preoperative Care
    • Primitive reflexes
    • Seizures
    • Spina bifida cystica
    • Subdural hematoma
  • Oncology (4)
    • Chemotherapy
    • Leukemia
    • Nausea
  • Pharmacology & Medication Administration (1)
    • Weight
  • Prioritizing (8)
    • Asthma
    • Child abuse
    • Head injury
    • Intussusception
    • Pertussis
    • Post-operative Care
    • Situational Low Self-Esteem
  • Psychiatry/Behavioral Medicine (3)
    • Cognitive Development
    • Communication/Social Milestones
    • Fine Motor Development
  • Pulmonology (34)
    • Acute Bronchiolitis
    • Acute Epiglottitis
    • Asthma
    • Bacterial Pneumonia
    • Croup
    • Cystic fibrosis
    • Epiglottitis
    • Foreign body aspiration
    • Palivizumab
    • Pediatric Prioritization
    • Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • Renal/Fluid & Electrolytes (14)
    • Acute Glomerulonephritis
    • Dehydration
    • Hypospadias
    • Nephrotic syndrome
    • Prioritization
    • Urine characteristics
  • Reproductive Disorders (1)
    • Hydrocele
  • Urology (10)
    • Cryptorchidism
    • Epispadias
    • Paraphimosis
    • Urinary Tract Infection

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Psychiatric Nursing Content Review (163)

  • Growth & Development (10)
    • Adolescent
    • Development Tasks
    • Developmental Needs
    • Developmental task during middle adulthood
    • Erikson's Stages of Development
    • Obedience and Punishment
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development
    • Social Contract and Individual Rights
    • Stages of Moral Development
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (6)
    • Mastitis
  • Prioritizing (1)
    • Community health nurse
  • Psychiatry/Behavioral Medicine (1)
    • Developmental Tasks
  • Psychiatry (145)
    • Alcohol abuse
    • Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
    • Antisocial personality disorder
    • Anxiety
    • Ataxia
    • Autism
    • Avoidant personality disorder
    • Biofeedback
    • Bipolar
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Borderline personality
    • Bulimia nervosa
    • Child abuse
    • Cocaine
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy
    • Continuity of Care
    • Coping
    • Crisis intervention
    • Cycle of violence
    • Cyclothymic disorder
    • Delirium and Dementia
    • Delusion
    • Dependent Personality Disorder
    • Depression
    • Dissociative Fugue
    • Domestic Violence
    • Eating disorder
    • Electroconvulsive therapy
    • Factitious disorder
    • Frotteuristic Disorder
    • Grief
    • Group therapy
    • Guided Imagery
    • Hallucinations
    • Hangover
    • Histrionic personality disorder
    • Hyperorality
    • Hypersomnolence Disorder
    • Hypoxyphilia
    • Illness Anxiety Disorder
    • Intellectual development disorder
    • Interpersonal Therapy
    • Mania
    • Meditation
    • Mysophobia
    • Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    • Opioids
    • Personality Disorders
    • Pisa syndrome
    • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
    • Pressured speech
    • Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder
    • Rumination
    • Safety
    • Schizoid personality disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Schizophreniform disorder
    • Seasonal affective disorder
    • Sexual abuse
    • Sexual Response Cycle
    • Social Isolation
    • Stages of Change
    • Substance Abuse
    • Substance Abuse: Stimulants
    • Suicide
    • Therapeutic Communication
    • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
    • Trichotillomania

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The nclex-rn examination Content Review

  • Overview
    • That is the NCLEX RN?
    • Test-plan structure
    • Client needs
    • Integrated processes
    • Eight steps of the nclex-rn
    • Important reminders
  • Test administration
    • Adaptive testing
    • Taking the exam
    • Passing standard
    • Nclex terminologies
    • Test item formats
    • Next generation nclex
    • General test preparation tips
  • Test taking
    • Test taking strategies
    • Final reminders
    • Image citations

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Frequently asked questions about the Next Generation NCLEX

NCLEX Next Gen Overview: Provide an overview of what the NCLEX Next Gen exam is, its purpose, and the topics and concepts covered.

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) is a new version of the NCLEX exam developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) to better assess a nurse's ability to provide safe and effective patient care. The purpose of the Next Gen NCLEX exam is to create a more reliable and valid assessment that better reflects the current healthcare environment and the skills that are essential for nurses to have.

The NGN is designed to test not only the nurse's knowledge but also their decision-making skills and clinical judgment through a variety of question types, including multiple choice, select all that apply, drag questions, drop down questions (cloze), highlight questions, and matrix/grid.

The exam will cover a range of topics and concepts, including pharmacology, leadership and management, patient safety, and clinical reasoning. Additionally, the exam will incorporate multimedia elements to simulate real-world nursing scenarios, providing a more interactive and engaging experience for test-takers.

Benefits of the Next Generation NCLEX for nursing students and the healthcare industry

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) is designed to better prepare nursing students for the challenges of real-world practice and improve patient outcomes. Here are some of the benefits of the NGN for nursing students and the healthcare industry:

Better preparation for real-world nursing practice: The NGN exam is designed to test nursing students' ability to apply critical thinking and clinical judgment skills to real-world nursing scenarios, which better prepares them for the challenges they will face in their nursing careers.

Improved patient outcomes: By emphasizing the importance of patient-centered care and safety, the NGN exam helps ensure that nursing students are better equipped to provide high-quality care that leads to improved patient outcomes.

Enhanced focus on core nursing competencies: The NGN exam focuses on core nursing competencies such as communication, assessment, and clinical judgment, which are essential for safe and effective nursing practice.

Increased emphasis on technology and informatics: The NGN exam includes questions on the use of technology and informatics in nursing practice, which is becoming increasingly important in today's healthcare landscape.

Alignment with evolving healthcare needs: The NGN exam is designed to align with the evolving healthcare needs of today's society, such as an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services.

Overall, the NGN exam benefits nursing students by providing a more comprehensive and practical approach to nursing education, while also benefiting the healthcare industry by improving patient outcomes and aligning nursing practice with evolving healthcare needs.

Comparison between the Next Generation NCLEX and the current NCLEX

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) differs from the current NCLEX in several key ways. While the current NCLEX primarily assesses a nurse's knowledge and understanding of nursing concepts and principles, the NGN also evaluates a nurse's critical thinking skills and ability to make clinical judgments in real-world situations. The NGN uses innovative testing methods, such as situational judgment scenarios and interactive case studies, to simulate real patient scenarios and assess a nurse's ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. Additionally, the NGN focuses on evaluating a nurse's ability to manage patient care, collaborate with other healthcare professionals, and provide safe and effective care. Overall, the NGN aims to provide a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of a nurse's readiness to practice and improve patient outcomes, compared to the current NCLEX.

Preparation tips for the Next Generation NCLEX

Preparing for the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) requires a comprehensive and focused approach to learning. First, students should familiarize themselves with the exam format and content by using UMock Next Gen NCLEX case studies, practice questions, flashcards, and the complete online course. It is also recommended to practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills by analyzing clinical scenarios and discussing them with peers and instructors. Additionally, students should focus on developing strong clinical judgment skills by regularly engaging in hands-on clinical experiences and seeking feedback from their preceptors. Finally, maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep and exercise, can also help reduce stress and improve performance on exam day. By combining these strategies, students can increase their chances of success on the NGN and ultimately excel in their nursing careers.

Test-Taking Strategies: Offer tips and strategies for approaching and taking the exam, such as time management, eliminating wrong answer choices, and how to handle test anxiety.

Preparing for the Next Gen NCLEX exam requires more than just studying the material. Test-takers should also have a solid strategy in place to ensure they can approach the exam with confidence. Time management is key, so it's essential to practice answering questions efficiently and avoiding getting stuck on one question for too long. It's also important to read each question thoroughly and eliminate any obviously wrong answer choices before making a selection. If you're unsure of an answer, it can be helpful to narrow down the choices and make an educated guess. UMock Next Gen NCLEX Qbank questions and cases help you solve difficult questions with detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answer choices.

Managing test anxiety is also critical, so it's essential to take care of yourself leading up to the exam by getting plenty of rest, eating well, and staying hydrated. During the exam, it's essential to take deep breaths, stay focused, and remember that the test is designed to challenge you. UMock will help you prepare for this with assessment exams that mimic taking the real test. By approaching the Next Gen NCLEX exam with a clear mind and practice materials from UMock, test-takers can increase their chances of success.

How the Next Generation NCLEX is changing the nursing profession

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) is expected to have a significant impact on the nursing profession by changing the way nurses are trained, assessed, and licensed. By emphasizing critical thinking skills, clinical judgment, and real-world practical application, the NGN is promoting a more holistic approach to nursing education and practice. This updated exam is likely to encourage nursing schools to focus more on hands-on, experiential learning and to incorporate technology and simulation into their curriculum. Additionally, the NGN is likely to lead to increased demand for highly skilled and competent nurses who are able to provide safe, effective, and patient-centered care. Overall, the NGN is expected to raise the standards of nursing education and practice, and to improve the quality of healthcare for patients.

Future implications of the Next Generation NCLEX on the nursing profession

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) has the potential to have several future implications on the nursing profession. Here are some potential implications:

Improving the quality of nursing education: The NGN exam places a greater emphasis on critical thinking, clinical judgment, and patient-centered care, which can help improve the quality of nursing education and better prepare nursing students for the challenges of real-world nursing practice.

Shaping the future of nursing practice: The NGN exam's focus on core nursing competencies such as communication, assessment, and clinical judgment can help shape the future of nursing practice and ensure that nurses are equipped with the skills necessary to provide safe and effective patient care.

Advancing technology and informatics in nursing practice: The NGN exam includes questions on technology and informatics in nursing practice, which can help advance the use of technology and informatics in nursing practice and improve patient outcomes.

Encouraging ongoing professional development: The NGN exam's focus on continuous learning and ongoing professional development can encourage nurses to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in nursing practice and continue to improve their skills throughout their careers.

Overall, the NGN exam has the potential to shape the future of nursing practice and education by emphasizing the core competencies needed for safe and effective patient care and encouraging ongoing professional development. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the NGN exam can help ensure that nursing practice remains aligned with the changing needs of patients and society.

How the Next Generation NCLEX works and what it assesses

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) is an updated version of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nurses that uses innovative testing methods and technology to evaluate a nurse's critical thinking skills and ability to make clinical judgments in real-world situations. The NGN assesses a nurse's ability to manage patient care, collaborate with other healthcare professionals, and provide safe and effective care by using situational judgment scenarios and interactive case studies. UMock aims to provide a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of a nurse's readiness with a complete course, clinical cases, practice questions, assessment exams, and flashcards written by accomplished nurses and nursing students.

Overview of NGN Test Format and Scoring System

The NGN exam consists of a mix of question formats, including multiple-choice questions and interactive case studies that simulate real patient scenarios. The exam is computer adaptive, meaning that the difficulty level of the questions adapts to the individual test-taker's ability level. The NGN exam also includes a new scoring system that assesses a nurse's clinical judgment skills and ability to make decisions in real-world situations. The scoring system takes into account both the correctness of the answers and the rationale behind the answers, with a greater weight given to the rationale portion of the scoring.

Importance of Clinical Judgment Skills in Nursing Practice

Clinical judgment skills are essential to nursing practice, as they enable nurses to make informed decisions that promote patient safety and well-being. Clinical judgment skills involve the ability to analyze information, evaluate alternatives, and make decisions based on sound reasoning and evidence-based practice. The NGN exam emphasizes the importance of clinical judgment skills in nursing practice, as it evaluates a nurse's ability to think critically and make decisions in real-world situations.

Strategies to Develop Clinical Judgment Skills

There are several strategies that nurses can use to develop their clinical judgment skills. These include engaging in hands-on clinical experiences, seeking feedback from preceptors and mentors, analyzing clinical scenarios and discussing them with peers and instructors, and regularly reviewing and applying evidence-based practice guidelines. Additionally, nurses can use resources such as case studies and practice questions to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Sample NGN Practice Questions with Detailed Explanations and Rationales

Questions: A patient is admitted to the emergency department with chest pain and shortness of breath. Which of the following interventions should the nurse prioritize?

A) Administering pain medication
B) Administering supplemental oxygen
C) Administering anti-anxiety medication
D) Administering a bronchodilator

Answer: B

Rationale: Supplemental oxygen should be prioritized in a patient with chest pain and shortness of breath to improve oxygenation and reduce the risk of complications.
A patient is receiving intravenous medication through a central line. The patient reports feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

Tips for Effective NGN Exam Preparation

Preparing for the NGN exam requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively:

Familiarize yourself with the NGN exam format and scoring system. Understand the types of questions that will be asked and how they will be scored.

Develop a study schedule and stick to it. Allocate time for each subject area and prioritize topics that you find challenging.

Use a variety of study materials, including textbooks, practice questions, case studies, and online resources. This will help you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Practice critical thinking skills by analyzing case studies and patient scenarios. Pay attention to details and think through all potential options before selecting an answer.

Seek feedback from instructors or mentors on your performance and areas for improvement.

Take care of your physical and mental health during the exam preparation period. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise, and eat healthy foods to maintain peak mental and physical condition.

Resources for Additional NGN Exam Practice and Study Materials

There are several resources available to help you prepare for the NGN exam:

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) offers a variety of NGN exam preparation resources, including online courses, practice exams, and study materials.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) offers exam preparation resources, including study guides, practice questions, and webinars.

Many nursing schools offer NGN exam preparation courses and resources to their students. Check with your school to see what is available.

Online resources such as Kaplan, BoardVitals, and UWorld offer NGN exam preparation materials, including practice questions and review courses.

Join online study groups or forums to connect with other nursing students and exchange study tips and resources.

Utilize textbooks and study guides recommended by your school or program. These resources will help you understand the content and structure of the NGN exam.

Content Review: Provide in-depth review of the topics and concepts covered on the exam, including safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity, and physiological integrity.

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam will cover a broad range of topics and concepts that reflect the current healthcare environment and the skills that nurses need to provide safe and effective patient care. The NGN exam is divided into four major content areas: Safe and Effective Care Environment, Health Promotion and Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity, and Physiological Integrity. The Safe and Effective Care Environment content area covers topics such as infection control, nursing ethics and standards, and patient safety. The Health Promotion and Maintenance content area focuses on concepts related to health promotion, disease prevention, and early detection of health problems. The Psychosocial Integrity content area covers topics such as mental health, therapeutic communication, and patient education. Finally, the Physiological Integrity content area covers topics such as pharmacology, medical-surgical nursing, and maternal/child nursing. The NGN exam will test not only a nurse's knowledge of these topics but also their decision-making skills and clinical judgment in real-world nursing scenarios. By covering a wide range of topics and concepts, the NGN exam aims to better assess a nurse's ability to provide safe and effective patient care in today's complex healthcare environment.

Practice Questions and Exams: Offer practice questions and exams that simulate the NCLEX Next Gen exam, providing users with an opportunity to test their knowledge and skills.

Questions:  A nurse is caring for a patient who has just undergone surgery. The patient is receiving a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump for pain management. What is the most important nursing intervention when caring for a patient with a PCA pump?

A) Checking the patient's blood glucose levels
B) Monitoring the patient's respiratory rate
C) Administering prophylactic antibiotics
D) Providing a low-fat diet

Answer: B) Monitoring the patient's respiratory rate

Explanation: The most important nursing intervention when caring for a patient with a PCA pump is to monitor the patient's respiratory rate. PCA pumps are programmed to deliver a specific amount of pain medication, and patients may become oversedated or experience respiratory depression if they receive too much medication. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the patient's respiratory rate regularly to detect any signs of respiratory distress. While monitoring blood glucose levels, administering prophylactic antibiotics, and providing a low-fat diet may be important interventions in certain patient populations, they are not the most critical interventions for a patient with a PCA pump.

Resources and References: Provide a list of recommended resources and references, such as textbooks, online courses, and study materials that can help users prepare for the exam.

Here are some recommended resources and references that can help users prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam:

Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination: This comprehensive review book covers all major content areas of the NCLEX-RN exam, including the topics and concepts covered on the NGN exam.

Kaplan Nursing: Kaplan offers a variety of study resources for the NGN exam, including practice tests, live and on-demand review courses, and study materials.

NCSBN Learning Extension: This online learning platform offers self-paced courses, practice questions, and test-taking strategies specifically designed for the NGN exam.

ATI Nursing Education: ATI offers a comprehensive study program that includes practice questions, remediation materials, and personalized study plans to help users prepare for the NGN exam.

Pearson VUE: The official testing provider for the NGN exam, Pearson VUE offers free resources such as a candidate bulletin and a test plan to help users prepare for the exam.

NCLEX Mastery: This mobile app offers practice questions, flashcards, and personalized study plans for the NGN exam, as well as a detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses.

Lippincott NCLEX-RN PassPoint: This online adaptive learning platform offers personalized study plans, practice questions, and detailed performance analytics to help users prepare for the NGN exam.

It's important to note that these resources should be used as supplements to formal nursing education and clinical experience. Users should also check with their nursing school or licensing board for additional recommended resources and study materials.

Overview of the Next Generation NCLEX

The Next Generation NCLEX, or NGN, is an update to the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nurses. The NGN aims to shift the focus of the exam from solely testing knowledge to also assessing the candidate's critical thinking skills and ability to make clinical judgments. The updated exam will use new testing methods, such as situational judgment scenarios, to evaluate a nurse's ability to apply knowledge in real-world clinical situations. The Next Gen NCLEX provides a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of a nurse's readiness to practice, leading to improved patient care and outcomes.

Next Gen NCLEX Exam Structure and Format

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam will feature a new structure and format that differs from the traditional NCLEX exam. The NGN exam will consist of two parts, the first part will be a fixed number of questions that are designed to assess a nurse's basic nursing knowledge and skills. The second part will be tailored to each individual test-taker based on their responses to the first part, and will assess their decision-making skills and clinical judgment. Overall, the NGN exam is designed to better assess a nurse's ability to provide safe and effective patient care in today's healthcare environment.

Your Top Questions, Answered

Preparation tips for the Next Generation NCLEX
Test-Taking Strategies: Offer tips and strategies for approaching and taking the exam, such as time management, eliminating wrong answer choices, and how to handle test anxiety.
Overview of NGN Test Format and Scoring System
Importance of Clinical Judgment Skills in Nursing Practice
Strategies to Develop Clinical Judgment Skills
Tips for Effective NGN Exam Preparation
Content Review: Provide in-depth review of the topics and concepts covered on the exam, including safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity, and physiological integrity.
Overview of the Next Generation NCLEX
Next Gen NCLEX Exam Structure and Format

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"UMock is by far the best tool I used to prepare for the NCLEX----I passed in the 96th percentile. The hotspot questions, SATA, and ordered response questions provide detailed, yet to-the-point explanations that I didn’t find with any other tool or prep book."
Georgetown University