Study with high quality questions & explanations

UMock examines your ability to apply your knowledge in pediatric medicine with the highest quality questions and detailed explanations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topical requirements of the pediatric board exam.

ABP Qbank


Learn the most effective approach to mock board questions to prepare for exam day.


Our detailed explanations are provided for both correct and incorrect answer choices.


The mock board Q&A is created to challenge you at and above the difficulty of the actual exam.


UMock questions are designed with an in-depth review of all pediatric board topics.

Detailed Q&A

December 29, 2020

UMock presents answer choices that are closely tied to each other to help you understand how to determine which answer is correct for case-based questions covering treatment and management in pediatric medicine.

Mock Explanations

December 29, 2020

Highly detailed evidence-based explanations provide clarity to challenge concepts in treatment and disease intervention to help you understand the application of knowledge for your pediaction medicine board certification or recertification.

Help Center

December 29, 2020

Our friendly support team is here to help! Please reach out if you have additional questions, or visit our Help Center for more information!

How is UMock effective for the boards?

UMock gives you a resource to prepare for your pediatric board exam from start to finish. We provide the most accurate and up to date content written by board-certified physicians from top medical institutions.

Our team of pediatric physicians scored a perfect 300 on the exam, providing you with the most powerful mock questions and detailed explanations available for the board exam.

Mock Q&A at your fingertips

UMock prepares you with content-rich pediatric questions similar to what you’ll see on the real exam. The mock board Q&A tests your clinical skills and ability to apply concepts to pediatric medicine.

The content we create for the pediatric board exam is continuously reviewed and updated by our team of board-certified physicians to match the requirements and expectations of the real exam.

Methodology for top scores

UMock provides an all encompassing focus of pediatric medicine concepts with highly detailed explanations designed to help you master the most difficult exam questions.

Our mock Qbank includes high quality graphics, images and illustrations to maximize retention and increase your ability to recall information pertinent to earning a perfect score on the pediatric board exam.

Why UMock for the Pediatric Board Exam?


Prepare for your board exam with UMock’s proven testing methodology


Clearly written detailed explanations improve your exam results


UMock content accurately aligns to what is being tested on the real exam

"The pediatric board Qbank from UMock was the #1 method I used to prepare for the exam. I scored a perfect 300 with the help of the detailed explanations which are clearly written for every possible answer choice. "


Stanford School of Medicine

"The pediatric board Qbank from UMock was the #1 method I used to prepare for the exam. I scored a perfect 300 with the help of the detailed explanations which are clearly written for every possible answer choice. "
Stanford School of Medicine