This guide offers in-depth information on cardiac anatomy and physiology, correct heart monitor usage, and the analysis of EKG tracings, covering:
This guide outlines a structured approach to rhythm interpretation, aiding in the diagnosis, monitoring, and assessment of the severity of various cardiac conditions, including:
Improve your proficiency in interpreting EKG rhythms to identify irregularities and abnormalities, a key skill in Internal Medicine.
Recognize conditions caused by disruptions in the heart's electrical system due to factors like medication, drug use (including amphetamines, over-the-counter cold and allergy medications, beta blockers, and cocaine).
Learn to identify structural irregularities that may signal underlying heart issues or defects, such as chamber or wall enlargement.
Enhance EKG Interpretation Skills for Family Medicine with a Clear Framework
● Cardiac Muscle
● Cardiac Chambers
● Coronary Artery Anatomy
● Cardiac Conduction System
● Cardiac Action Potentials
● Cardiac Innervation
● Cardiac Cycle
Prepare for your exam with UMock EKG Review. Each chapter includes a
complete review of topics with a Q&A at the end of the book.