Complete & thorough ABFM
The Family Medicine Board Exam is big and important. UMock integrates current evidence-based clinical information with highly detailed family medicine practice questions to help you prepare for the board certification exam. Prepare with the best available information to understand the depth of each question and answer like a real exam.
UMock is a leader in providing advanced mock-type family medicine questions & answers with clear, in-depth explanations.
When you answer a question correctly your next question will be more difficult, while answering incorrectly will provide an easier next question.
Smart Adaptive Testing detects user behavior and adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the answers selected by both the individual, as well as all other examiness.
The depth, accuracy & transparency of content is reviewed weekly for over 20,000 topics.
The UMock Qbank is written based on the most updated medical information available
UMock’s strict content writing & editorial review process is made up of board-certified Family Medicine physicians who scored a perfect 785 on the board exam. All content is reviewed in detail prior to publishing to ensure board exam accuracy.
Prepare for the family medicine exam with more than 2,500 detailed graphics, images, illustrations,
tables, flow charts & diagrams.
UMock integrates evidence-based family medicine with highly comprehensible visual aids.
Increase your ability to retain conceptual information and master the family medicine board exam.
Why UMock
Real experience
Learn key concepts quickly in a mock assessment format
UMock presents answer choices that are closely tied to each other to help you understand how to determine which answer is correct for case-based questions covering treatment and management in pediatric medicine.
Highly detailed evidence-based explanations provide clarity to challenge concepts in treatment and disease intervention to help you understand the application of knowledge for your pediaction medicine board certification or recertification.
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"The UMock test prep questions and explanations were vital to passing my board exam. The rationales are extremely detailed, yet easy to read through. I’m pleased to say I passed with a 780!"