Each assessment includes 4 blocks with each block containing 50 internal medicine
questions, allowing
you to prepare in real exam conditions.
Mock Assessment Ques are written to challenge you at and above the difficulty of the
real exam.
Receive a 3-digit score upon completing a timed Mock Assessment and see if you’re
prepared for the real
internal medicine board exam.
Mock Assessments measure your ability to apply knowledge and skills to provide accurate
diagnosis and treatment with internal medicine questions written by physicians who
scored perfectly on
the exam.
Compare time and answer results with other examiness to strengthen your competitive ranking
Detailed performance reports help you identify areas where you need to increase your score
Integrated evidence-based mock-type questions follow the blueprint of the real exam.
"I scored 770---almost perfect on the internal medicine boards. The UMock Qbank offers a comprehensive selection of difficult questions covering every topic with very well-written explanations that go in depth to help you understand the underlying answer."